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Oak Lane Youth
Association Wildcats


Oak Lane Youth
Association Wildcats
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Way to Go 65's

To the 65lb team, you guys had a great season! Unfortunately it did not end the way we wanted it to but always remember that you guys gave everything to get to the 'chip. Forget all the trash talk and the haters, you are simply the best!!! To our coaches, thanks for all of the love and support you gave these young men and for all of the time you put in.......... Way to go 65lb Blue Beasts!!!

Re: Way to Go 65's

You are absolutley correct. Wildcat players and coaches keep your heads up. You guys had a terrific season. How many teams in the KSL would have loved to make it to a SHIP? Coach Shields is a great coach and we have to remember this is midget football. I know your team gave our head coach many sleepless nights worrying about the game.