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Association Wildcats


Oak Lane Youth
Association Wildcats
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55LB Cheerleaders: YOU GO GIRLS!!!

While the football programs tend to get most of the props and recognition during this time of year, I wanted to point out the great job done this year by a very young 55lb cheerleading squad this year.

The 55lb girls came a long way this season from knowing only a handful of cheers at the first game to the dance that they performed at the Norristown game. You girls were amazing!!!

Coach Kimberly and Coach Ruthie are to be commended for the outstanding work that they did with this very young squad. The best part is that they should return pretty much intact for next year and be even better.

Re: 55LB Cheerleaders: YOU GO GIRLS!!!

Absolutely. Thanks ladies for your continued support throughout the season.. Our cheerleaders outdid the competition at every game. You made us proud. Looking forward to seeing you all next season! Thanks to Coaches Ruthie and Kim for a job well done! Rock the Blue & White!!!