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Oak Lane Youth
Association Wildcats


Oak Lane Youth
Association Wildcats
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About the youth

I have been living in the West Oak Lane section for over 31 years. My two sons played for Oak Lane Youth Assoc. Lately I have been seening posting on your website about adult affairs. My grandson said that he heard on one of the radio station about women that sign their children up with Oak Lane Youth Association, to begin relationships with married coaches. I would hate to see a great organization such as yourself go down, because you lose track of Oak Lane being for the Youth!

Please take this as a constructive coment.

Re: About the youth

The functions that are sponsored by oaklane are for the children .all processed go towards all our sports programs. this isn't just a function so that parents can explore moral issues its for the children only now if there is a hidden fact we as adults should look at our self not the organization.

Re: About the youth

DON"T believe the hype. People are always looking for the negative. WE are about OUR children. THE CHILDREN are our future!!!