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Oak Lane Youth
Association Wildcats


Oak Lane Youth
Association Wildcats
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Re: 55 standings?

Unfortunately, the league does not keep standings for the 55lb teams. As a former founding coach of the 55lb program, I understand that this can be very frustrating, but it is the way the league has decided to handle the 55lb teams.

Our little guys are having a great start to the season, and it is not going unnoticed by both the organization and the rest of the league.

Coach Eric

Re: Re: 55 standings?

I understand the league does not keep the standings for the 55lb, but the Wildcats website is not govern by the league is it? I believe there is a way to find out the records of all the teams the 55lb will play or have played and post the standings. Explaining it to a parent that the league does not keep the standings is one thing, but what about the 5 to 8 years olds that visit Oaklane's site? Like I said before they have been playing their tails off (5-0). I know it can at least be posted on our site for the kids?

keep up the good work EVERYBODY!!!!
God Bless to all the Coaches!

Re: Re: Re: 55 standings?

Unfortunately, there is no way to track down the scores for all of the 55lb games each week. The league gets them, but won't release them. If they did, we would post them and show the standings.