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Oak Lane Youth
Association Wildcats


Oak Lane Youth
Association Wildcats
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Re: Re-alignment

Please explain what KSL is doing.

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How do the Wildcats feel about the new alignment with only a 7 game schedule for the American Conference? We are NOT happy in N-town. Let's make some NOISE! and keep this KSL thing competitive and RESPECTABLE.

Re: Re: Re-alignment

What's really bad is that the KSL is not going to move the playoff dates up. So most of us in the American Conference will have three weeks between our last regular season game and the first playoff game.

Lets face it. There are three big time clubs (Mount Airy, Oak Lane and Norristown Area) and no one wants to play them. Rather than elevating their programs to higher levels, these programs opt to move to a weaker division. This year they hit an all-time low by creating third weak division.

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Replying to:

Please explain what KSL is doing.

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Replying to:

How do the Wildcats feel about the new alignment with only a 7 game schedule for the American Conference? We are NOT happy in N-town. Let's make some NOISE! and keep this KSL thing competitive and RESPECTABLE.

Re: Re-alignment

Relax kid! Only the Master is out and that's not written in stone ...yet.

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Replying to:

How do the Wildcats feel about the new alignment with only a 7 game schedule for the American Conference? We are NOT happy in N-town. Let's make some NOISE! and keep this KSL thing competitive and RESPECTABLE.