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Oak Lane Youth
Association Wildcats


Oak Lane Youth
Association Wildcats
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This weekend's games

Let's go up to Norristown and play our hearts out. Let's win these games so we can take the momentum from these games and go into next week looking to wrap up the division titles in every weight class. I have confidence that we can win. You young guys should have confidence in yourselves. Your good and well coached. Let's take it to the next level. Be GREAT this weekend and bring home those W's!!!

Re: This weekend's games

Couldn't have been said better. GO WILDCATS!!!!

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Let's go up to Norristown and play our hearts out. Let's win these games so we can take the momentum from these games and go into next week looking to wrap up the division titles in every weight class. I have confidence that we can win. You young guys should have confidence in yourselves. Your good and well coached. Let's take it to the next level. Be GREAT this weekend and bring home those W's!!!