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At attention

I love the "at ease" concept of the new upcoming ACW and Napoleonic sets, perfectly suitable for a variety of scenes! However, I feel that two poses are missing.
First I'd like an "at attention" pose, with figures simply standing still waiting for battle very near the fighting, Revell and Italeri had a few in their sets in one pose. This would be perfect for reserves that are about to enter the fighting or simply preparing for an approaching enemy. It can be used for many other purposes like guards etc.

I understand such a set probably won't be made, since it would be too similar to the "standing at ease" and "marching" sets, but it would be interesting to hear from Strelets about this.

The second set I'd like to propose is a "present" arms pose. This would definitely add more depth to any ACW miniatures battle.

Re: At attention

Dear Traveller,

extent, to which ACW line will be developed, depends entirely on popularity of the line. How popular it will be, remains to be seen.

Best regards,


Re: At attention: Strelets' American Civil War & Napoleonic Lines of "Strelets' Fine Figurines!"

Dear Traveller,

extent, to which ACW line will be developed, depends entirely on popularity of the line. How popular it will be, remains to be seen.

Best regards,


Dear Strelets, Traveller & Allan,

Well, I'm supporting Strelets go forward with a complete line of ACW sets to cover all poses and events of in a battle.

First, the initial 3 sets of Famous Commanders previously released years ago (2 US and CSA Horse and 1 Foot US) were so popular you had to do a reissue (Thank You!)

Second, the newly released sets appear to be selling quite nicely. In fact, the US Cavalry Skirmishing is already sold out and awaiting replacements still today so I can finish my order.

Third, Just like the Napoleonics, we definitely need Standing at Ease, standing and kneeling Firing, Reloading, Defensive Poses, CSA Cavalry (a must!) plus others I'm forgetting

Fourth, since an entire gerneration or two ago, the only effort from other companies have done is reboxed the same old sets

Fifth, Your introducing your new blood line of ACW into the hobby after generations I can hear heavy sighs of relief and excitement, and I can see native indian smoke signals in the sky over the mountains and hear jungle drums further conveying the excitement (ACW and Napoleonic both)

I just turned 61 this month, and during 6 decades of living, my intro to this hobby in 1966, then academic studies, and sports, and a couple of professions, it is still the 1/72 Soft Plastic Hobby in Authentic Colors with great Figurines that excites me the most (I do try to keep a healthy balance of Family and Hobby)

Sixth, In fact, as I'm writing I'm also using my magnifying glass to really see the fine details of your ACW and Highlander Figurines. Up close, they just "blow my mind." Soo beautiful; what artwork! Proper equipment, accoutrements, uniforms, hats, faces with beards, sideburns, facial expressions and uniform detailing, and all in proportion and no funky poses. They are so lively. I admit, between ACW and Highlanders, the absolute beauty of the Highlanders in Scarlet Red and fine details still leave me in awe! But a good US and CSA Cavalry uniform right from the uniformmakers looks darn sharp, too!

OK, Strelets, thank you for reading this far and don't forget, complete these lines of soldiers, and there will be one or more generations talking "Strelets Fine Figurines!"